Four O'F'n Clock in the A.M. I went and laid down and STILL couldnt fall asleep. So-oo I got myself some icecream and oreos..... because everyone knows when you can't sleep eat lots of fat and suger ;/ *sigh*
Lol.. Silly Me. So I'v taken my melatonin and am typing my lullabye at the moment... I am SOoo sleeeppy!! Hopefully this next time will be the charm? Gah,.. what is WRONG with me! :) its hot (to me, probably slight fever from being sick) and I can't seem to get comfortable. I want a temper-pedic. Or any ol memory foam mattress..... But I need some money honey, baby I need some cash.... Lol.. yeah... I am stinkin exhausted! Lets try this one again?! Night-O :)
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